In some sense, hospital numbers and deaths are the only ‘real’ measure of how a country is tackling the coronavirus pandemic. On that measure, things have taken a turn for the worse this week. The drop in test positivity led me to predict that hospitalisations and serious cases would fall this week. In fact, the […]
Covid Roundup 25 August
Just a few brief updates: Serious Covid-19 cases in Israel are up to 427, the highest recorded number since the start of the pandemic. 121 are on ventilators, the highest since the last wave. I suspect that this increase is because of the higher age profile of recent new infections — more on this in […]
Good news: case positivity is down
A few positive signs from the data on Israel’s fight against the coronavirus: Test positivity is down The percentage of tests that come back as positive for the coronavirus is one of the best measures of how widespread the real infection is likely to be. In late July, Israel was hitting 8% average positivity, but […]
Patterns in Hospital Admissions
Between two and four times a day, the Health Ministry releases updated statistics on the coronavirus in Israel. The frequency of these releases makes it feel like we’re getting real-time detailed insights into what’s going on with the virus and Israel’s attempts to manage the pandemic. The data includes: the number of tests so far […]

The Gamzu Plan is… bigger gatherings?
The coronavirus cabinet discussed the Gamzu Plan tonight, but a vote was scrapped at the last minute after the Haredi parties opposed the plan, claiming it was too restrictive on synagogues.